
International Concept for Education


ICE was founded in 2013 with a vision for a different kind of education, a multilingual education, one which allows children to continue to learn in their mother tongue, whilst enabling them to become truly bilingual. The original foundation based on the French system, “homologué” by the French Ministry has already been extended by the opening, in 2016, of the Italian, Da Vinci Section. We also offer the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP), in conjunction with our bilingual classes. Our School motto, Ad Luces – towards the light, could not be more relevant for the world in which we are growing your children. The period of enlightenment during the 18th century was headed by many great thinkers and revolutionaries. It was Emmanuel Kant who said, “Dare to know! Have courage to use your own reason!”. At ICE we teach our children, amongst other things, to be inquirers, good communicators and, above all, critical thinkers.

Business Highlights
French Curriculum