
Kings' School Nad Al Sheba

It is with a great sense of privilege and pride that we welcome you to the website for our school, Kings’ School Nad Al Sheba. Students at Kings' School Nad Al Sheba are celebrated for their uniqueness. Our personalised approach to learning and celebration of diversity ensures every individual feels at home in our learning community.

Academic excellence is an outcome we strive for daily, in addition, we maintain ‘results the right way’; enriching and broadening the experiences of our children. We ensure that the artist, the sportsman/woman, the actor, the linguist, the mathematician and the scientist all find their moment to shine. The superb facilities and extensive Extra-Curricular Activities complement the school day. Every child has the opportunity to discover and develop his or her passions.

As research based professionals, our teachers go above and beyond for the children in their care; creating inspiring learning opportunities grounded in real life contexts that lead to authentic outcomes. In Foundation Stage, for example, children create a home for ‘The Owl Babies’ they have read about. In Primary School, children write persuasive letters beseeching companies to consider healthy options for their menus. While in the Secondary School, students may write, design, produce, cost, direct and costume their own play for the community in our outstanding performing arts facilities.

It is a privilege to lead such a forward thinking and dynamic group of staff and an even greater pleasure to spend time with our inspirational children. We know that from the moment you step foot through the door, you will feel the warm welcome of Nad Al Sheba.
Business Highlights
A Level
AS Level
UK National Curriculum