
JSS International School

JSS International School has a very deep commitment to the Inclusion and pastoral support of all our families and students; this includes student who are identified with Special Educational Needs and disability, Additional Educational needs, more able and gifted students. Our

Vision: To become a fully inclusive school by 2020.

Mission: Nurture every student to achieve their personal, social, emotional and academic goals in a safe, secure and positive environment.

The whole school community is encouraged to ensure inclusion and the best possible social, emotional, behavioural and academic progress for all of our students, thereby living up to our school vision, i.e. relating education to life. This is provided through innovative learning and teaching, dissemination of information, training and access to quality staff at all levels.JSS International has comprehensive Inclusion Support Team comprising of experienced and highly educated staff.

Being Inclusive plays a vital role to us in JSS International. All our students need to feel the sense of belonging, with happiness & safety being s the top priority. The commitment to being an Inclusive school is both a passion and compassion from every member in the organisation stemming from the CEO, through the Principal, to teaching and non-teaching staff. It is a cohesive part of all students learning.

Support for Students begins at Admission, with a thorough identification and assessment process to ensure appropriate support is available to all. Once admitted, support continues with on-going identification and removal of learning barriers through the pastoral and student support networks.

At JSS International School, we offer an inclusive mainstream curriculum with additional support, intervention, differentiation and personalisation, where essential.
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