
GEMS FirstPoint School


The world that a student will graduate into will be different to the world of today. Being prepared to excel in an ever-evolving world is what graduates of GEMS FirstPoint School - The Villa, are being taught to do.

Welcome to the school that cultivates excellence: GEMS FirstPoint School.

Offering the renowned National Curriculum for England in an international context, GEMS FirstPoint School distinguishes itself as an individual development institute, where students are taught the foundations of knowledge and encouraged to use technology and enquiry to discover the world and their own strengths and competencies.

The ability to think globally and as an innovator has never been as important as it is today, and this may become even more vital for the next generation of graduates. As a GEMS Education school, we are part of a family of international schools embodying the following core values:

Pursuing Excellence
Growing by Learning
Learning Through Innovation
Global Citizenship
As a Foundation Stage to Year 13 school, we build learning foundations, strengthen them and prepare students for entry into university or the workplace… or wherever they choose to go!

Business Highlights
A Level
AS Level
UK National Curriculum
Accepts Credit Cards